Indeed very much enjoyed your participation and questions, and we understand: so did you
Thank you very much TOTSA, Zachary and Orlen for your attendance to the Oiltraining B.V. 4-day course Oil Products at Saybolt Vlaardingen/Rotterdam. Indeed very much enjoyed your participation and questions, and we understand: so did you!
The next 4-day course Oil Products (or Dutch: Olieproducten) is scheduled on 3 – 6 March 2025 (English) and 17 – 20 March (Dutch).
Oiltraining B.V. hopes to welcome you on the 4-day Oil Products course (or: Olieproducten) or one of the more advanced, 1-day theoretical course on Gasoline, Gas oil or Fuel oil Blending in 2025! Also don’t miss out on the Oiltraining B.V. Biodiesel course scheduled on 20 May 2025!